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World Lawyers Mission


The World Lawyers Mission, constituted by a group of lawyers mainly practicing in the High Court of Kerala along with Advocates from other Bar Associations in the State of Kerala gathered together with hopes and expectations for an enriching spiritual experience on October 4th, 5th and 6th at the Divine Retreat Center, Muringoor. The lawyers were proved right. The experience was indeed enthralling and rejuvenating and this sentiment was echoed by one and all who participated in the retreat. In the Gospel according to St. Mathew, as Jesus Christ was about to ascend into heaven, the Lord called the eleven Apostles and empowered them with the power of the Holy Spirit exhorting them to go out into the world to evangelize in the name of the Holy Trinity and what all was commanded by the Lord during the Lord’s Priestly Ministry. (St. Mathew, Chapter 28: 16-20).

The mission of the lawyers is akin to what Lord had commanded to the Apostles in the very first century. The lawyers collective therefore have a responsibility and a call of duty to accomplish peace, brotherhood and a value based system of life that would ultimately translate the mission which Lord had in store for the Apostles and through the Apostles all men and women in the world. The lawyers who formed the ‘World Lawyers Mission’ according to me, are gentlemen and gentlewomen who in the words of Cardinal Newman, soon to be canonized are persons who would not inflict any pain, physical, mental or psychological upon others. Apart from carrying out an intellectual exercise to form an opinion and to plead in the courts of law concerning legal matters, they have also a commitment to the society at large. This can best be achieved by virtue of their involvement in organizations such as the World Lawyers Mission. I feel proud about my involvement with this organization and as the President for two terms.

The founders of this organization had conceived the role of lawyers as Ambassadors and motivators to large sections of the society so that all people who interact with the members of the World Lawyers Mission are benefited and feel contented through a systematic value based way of life. It was said by Benjamin Franklin, the great American political philosopher statesman “Tell me and I forget, teach me and I may remember, involve me and I learn”. Involvement is therefore very important in my view to keep abreast of the ideals and objectives for which World Lawyers Mission is committed to accomplish.

In the historical words of St. Francis of Assisi, “It is in giving that we receive”. Retreat would be a great experience to involve us and to make us realize our hopes, aspirations and our thoughts to be translated into practice so as to equip all of us to be persons of impeccable integrity, probity in thought and rectitude in action. St. Mother Theresa who lives in our hearts once said “Not all men can achieve great things in life, but certainly all of us can achieve small things with great love”. Let these worlds echo in our hearts and minds as these words are words of God the Almighty showering his blessings and reminding us to fulfill our mission through love and brotherhood. So let us all lift up our hears to the Lord. Hallelujah.


Adv.Roy Chacko

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