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Adv. Jinu Joseph

Are Our Prayers Answered Or Is It Just God’s Will That Happens In Our Life

Youngsters usually ask a question to parents who appear to be faithful to God – If it is God’s will that happens in my life, then what is the need for praying ?

A question that will make you re-think before giving an answer. Right?

Before I try to answer the question of the need for prayer let me first try to explain what is the will of God in our lives. As we all know, out of all creations in this world God loved his creation ―Man‖ the most. (John 3:16). So this Man was given a free will so that he may seek out the truth. Truth leads us to God and this truth remains a mystery for man to seek out. Also as we all know even if the world ceases to exist, the word of God will remain. That means the words in the Bible is steadfast, reliable and will always stand the test of time. It cannot change. God wants man to live life according to the Bible so that it will enable him to attain eternity/Heaven.

Jeremiah 29:11 says 'For I know the plans I have for you,' declares the Lord, 'plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you a hope and a future. '” This is God’s will and plan for you. A plan he formulated much before you were born because he knew you even before that. i.e. He knew your soul even before your soul were given a body.

But we, as human, think and reason and try to plan our life according to our human nature which will always be a failure. It is here we must understand the need for prayer. When we start praying to God- praying for a good future for us, he talks to our soul which we may not understand in the beginning. Those who pray frequently from the heart, know how God speaks to them. So by frequent prayer we slowly start understanding the heart of God which helps us understand His plans and thus we ourselves will be able to reason with God and find the best plan for our life which will be the original plan of God for us. In other words, our soul will identify itself with the Holy Spirit (God) and think/reason just like God thinks/reasons. Those plans may not be digestible for humanly thinking people but when you start praying to God and loving God and know his true Love by placing your heart close to His, you will understand that His plans are always the best for you and your soul. i.e. His plans are always for us to meet Him in eternity.

If you do not pray, but say that God plans everything for you and let it happen so, you will only be frustrated because you can never reason with God’s plan without frequent prayers. Success in studies, job or making a lot of money may not be God plans for you, those are only secondary. His plan always is to make your soul love God and love your fellow-being. Once you start doing it with frequent prayers, you will find yourself calm and happy in all situations. This will enlighten your mind and lead to success in studies, attain a job you love doing and help you earn money which, you will only be happy to use for the benefit of your fellow being. You will know that God is beside you standing close to you and at times holding you from falling. You may have temptations but God will help you overcome it. You will be ready to happily accept poverty or hunger on an understanding that it is God’s plan to teach you certain lessons in life. You will be molded to live in riches as well as in poverty with the same spirit and mind, just like St. Paul tells us in Philippians 4:12-13. God will teach you to be Job, who did not forget God even when he was rich. Job used his money to help others. (Job 31).

Also it is important to understand that prayers especially of those who love the Lord, will reach His ears and answered since those prayers will surely be in conformity with His original plans. It is when your heart is not synced with God’s heart that you seem to feel that your prayers are going unanswered. You fail to understand God’s plan and feel frustrated. But remember Prayers changes things. No prayer will go unanswered if it is synced with God’s plan. If you open your hearts to Him in prayer, he will surely come and reside in you. Prayers will help you attain the gifts of the Holy spirit and you will find yourself to be a new person- A person whose heart is always synced with God’s Heart and always ready to love and serve his fellow being.

To sum up I would like to quote a poem taken from the internet. (The author of this poem remains anonymous)

"The blessings of unanswered prayers"

I asked God for strength, that I might achieve,

I was made weak, that I might learn humbly to obey...

I asked for health, that I might do great things,

I was given infirmity, that I might do better things...

I asked for riches, that I might be happy,

I was given poverty, that I might be wise...

I asked for power, that I might have the praise of me,

I was given weakness, that I might feel the need of God...

I asked for all things, that I might enjoy life.

I was given life, that I might enjoy all things...

I got nothing I asked for—but everything I had hoped for.

Almost despite myself, my unspoken prayers were answered.

I am, among men, most richly blessed.


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