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World Lawyers Mission

A Zealous Shepherd

Mar Joseph Powathil

(A blend of spirituality, faith and tradition)

Holy Father, Pope Francis has declared 2021 as the year of St. Joseph by promulgating an apostolic letter under the caption ‘Patris Corde’ (with a father’s heart) laying special emphasis on the Apostolic exhortation of Holy Father’s venerable predecessor St. John Paul II in the year 1989 on the feast of assumption of our Lady, under the caption ‘Redemptoris Custos’ (Guardian of the Redeemer). St. Joseph has many titles in the Universal Church. For the purpose of this Article it is not necessary to delve deeply into the various titles, but suffice to say that since St.Joseph is considered and venerated as the patron of the Universal Church one century and half ago, the Holy Father utilized this occasion to issue the declaration. I dedicate this article in honour of an illustrious son of the Syro Malabar church whose feast falls on the 19th March.

Mar Joseph Powathil, Arch Bishop Emeritus Arch Earchy of Changanassery is a pastor par excellence, distinguished as a proud son of the Syro Malabar Church, whose contribution to the development, in various fields of the Roman Catholic Church needs to be recognized and appreciated. This is a humble endeavor to reflect on the vision, mission and the pastoral work accomplished by His Grace, which stands as a model worthy of emulation by all who are interested and committed to the welfare of the Catholic Church especially the Syro Malabar Church.

Rev. Fr. Joseph Powathil was ordained as priest on 3rd October, 1962. A few days after the priestly ordination, namely on 11th October, 1962, the second Vatican Ecumenical Council was convoked by Pope St. John XXIII. This was a revolutionary movement in the annals of history of the Roman Catholic Church. which was attended by more than 2000 Bishops all over the world, besides. several Priests, Religious men and women. and host of experts to guide the Council Fathers. I may in this context profitably refer to the three great Theologians of the Roman Catholic Church whose contribution to the Council in the preparation of the various documents stand out as an eloquent testimony to their scholarship and immense knowledge on various branches of the ecclesiastical discipline in the Roman Catholic Church.

Rev. Dr. Karl Rahner(1904 – 1984), a great Theologian from the society of Jesus, hailing from Germany was appointed as one of the members of the preparatory theological commission at the second Vatican Council. I happened to read an article on the contribution of Rev. Dr. Karl Rahner, authored by Dr. Muhammed Shahid Habeeb, Professor of Islamic Studies, Lahore Garrison University. The author was referring to the remarkable genius of Dr. Karl Rahner who influenced to a great extent the thought process of shaping the future theological perspective of the Roman Catholic Church. The theologians of his age recognized Dr. Karl Rahner as a theologian who led them towards an understanding of how to be catholic and modern at the same time. Dr. Rahner was modest and approachable having no interest in prestige or power.

Rev. Dr. Henry De Lubac (1886 - 1991), was a French theologian whose writing and doctrinal research played a key role in shaping the second Vatican Ecumenical Council. He was professor of Fundamental Theology at the University of Llyon, France. He was also appointed by Pope Paul VI, to be in the preparatory theological commission at the second Vatican Ecumenical Council. He was a theological expert whose guidance contributed a lot to the preparation of the Council documents. especially the dogmatic Constitution of the Church. Henry De Lubac was created Cardinal in 1983 by St. John Paul II taking into consideration his vast experience and knowledge in theology and other sacred disciplines of the Church.

Rev. Dr. Yves Congar : He is also one among the the theologians who was a member of the theological Commission of the Second Vatical Council. His contribution has always to be remembered and appreciated. Congar was also created a Cardinal in 1994 by St. John Paul II shortly before he died. The young Priest evinced keen interest in the deliberations of the second Vatican Council. From India, prominent among the participants at the second Vatican Council where, His Eminence Valerian Cardinal Gracious (Arch Diocese of Bombay), Mar Joseph Parecattil (Arch Eparchy of Ernakulam), Most Rev. Dr. Simon D. Lourdswamy (Arch Bishop of Bangalore), Most Rev. Dr. Lawrence Pikatchi (Arch Bishop of Calcutta), Servant of God Most Rev. Dr.Joseph Attipetty (Arch Diocese of Verapoly), Servant of God, Mar Mathew Kavukkatt (Arch Eparchy of Changanassery), Most Rev. Dr. Benedict Mar Gregorios (Arch Eparchy of Trivandrum). All these prelates from India are outstanding pastors who distinguished themselves as an epitome of piety, spirituality and protectors of faith, good morals, spirituality and tradition.

Among the documents which were released at the Second Vatican Council, the one that has to be mentioned in this context which has influenced Mar. Joseph Powathil was the decree on Catholic Eastern Churches. According to this document, the Universal Church wishes the traditions of each particular Church to adapt its own way of life to the needs of different time and places. The Universal Church owes a great debt to the Eastern Churches as is reflected in the history, tradition and very many ecclesiastical institutions. The Universal Church therefore not only praises and appreciates as is due to this ecclesiastical and spiritual heritage, but also insists on viewing it as the heritage of the whole Church of Lord Jesus Christ. Therefore the Universal Church declares that like those of the west, the Churches of the East have the right and duty to govern themselves according to their own special disciplines, for these are guaranteed by ancient tradition, and seem to be better suited to the customs of their faithful and to the good of their souls.

Mar Joseph Parecattil was appointed as the president of the commission for the revision of the Oriental Code of Canon Law (The Code of Canons of the Eastern Church) . It was unfortunate that Joseph Cardinal Parecattil could not be present in this world physically when the CCEO was promulgated by St. John Paul II on 18th October, 1990. The Holy Father paid rich tributes to late Cardinal Mar Joseph Parecattil who tirelessly worked hard for the preparation of the New Code but who was taken to his heavenly abode in February 1987.

Rev. Fr Joseph Powathil was appointed as the auxiliary Bishop to Mar Antony Padiyara, on 13 February 1972 and the Episcopal ordination took place at Rome, during the celebration of Holy Mass presided by by St. Pope Paul VI. I believe that the scholarship of Mar Joseph Powathil, unblemished piety , unflinching faith, impeccable integrity, and unfailing obedience to the holy See and the Metropolitan and Senior Bishops of the Roman Catholic Church have been instrumental in the appointment as the auxiliary Bishop at a relatively young age, 10 years after becoming a Priest. In the revised Code of Canon Law for the Eastern Churches, I would like to refer to Canon 27 and 28 which are reproduced below;

Can.27 – A group of Christian Faithful united by a hierarchy according to the norm of law which the supreme authority of the Church expressly or tacitly recognize a sui Juris is called in this Code a Church sui Juris.

Can. 28 – 1. A rite is the liturgical, theological, spiritual and disciplinary patrimony, culture and circumstances of history of a distinct people, by which its own manner of living the faith is manifested in each Church sui juris.

2. The rites treated in this code, unless otherwise stated, are those which arise from the Alexandrian, Antiochene, Armenian, Chaldean and Constantinopolitan traditions.

The importance of these Articles and its practical application in the Eparchy, which has to be inculcated and indoctrinated among the lay faithful, the Priests and the religious is axiomatic. Therefore the pastoral responsibilities in translating the Council documents as well as on the application of the Code of Canon Law in the true spirit required to be accomplished. This was executed by Mar Joseph Powathil with zeal and commitment.

In the Apostolic letter “Orientale Lumen” published by St. John Paul II on 2nd May, 1995, the following pertinent observation is made at para 24 “ The Children of the Catholic Church already know the ways indicated by the Holy See for achieving this : to know the liturgy of the Eastern Churches, to deepen their knowledge of the spiritual traditions of the Fathers and Doctors of the Christian East”. Thus it is evident that the Universal Church desire that for the spiritual growth of the Eastern Churches, it is important and necessary to preserve their rich pedigree, history and tradition.

When the Arch Eparchy of Changanassery was bifurcated to erect the new Eparchy of Kanjirappally, there was no second thought for the Holy See other than to appoint Mar Joseph Powathil as the first Bishop. Bishop Joseph Powathil was clear in his thought as to how and in what manner an Eparchial Bishop has to conduct himself as the pastor of the flock. Here again I think it appropriate to refer to a leading Apostolic exhortation under the caption “PASTORES GREGIS” (Communion of pastors) published on 16th October, 2003 coinciding with the 25th Anniversary of the Pontificate of St.John Paul II. The following observations are apposite “The collegial union between the Bishops is based on both Episcopal ordination and hierarchical communion. It thus affects the inmost being of each Bishop and belongs to the structure of the Church as willed by Jesus Christ. One attains to the fullness of Episcopal ministry by virtue of Episcopal consecration and through hierarchical communication with head of the College and with its members, that is, with the College, which always includes its head. This is how one becomes a member of the College of Bishops, and the reason why the three functions received in Episcopal ordination –sanctifying, teaching and governing – must be exercised in hierarchical communion, even though, given their different immediate finalities, in a distinct way”. “This constitutes what is called ‘the spirit of collegiality’ (affectus collegialis) , or “affective” collegiality, which is the basis of the Bishops’ concern for the other particular Churches and for the universal Church”.

Mar Joseph Powathil understood the importance of the pastoral ministry as well as the promotion of mutual well being, solidarity among the various sections of the Eparchy, the relevance of Catechism for the Children, a necessary ingredient for their spiritual growth, training of the Priests with special emphasis on the Eastern tradition. Mar Joseph Powathil was always open to dialogue with all sections of the Christian communities as for instance promotion of ecumenical growth, social causes affecting the churches, in the field of Higher education including professional institutions, missionary activity of the religious orders etc. However one thing to my mind stand apart, and that is once convinced about the authenticity and the reliability of a concept or an idea or on any theoretical and/or doctrinal precept, no force on earth can change such resolute mind.

The tenure as the Metropolitan Arch Bishop of Changanacherry, (1985 -2008) was the glorious period in the history of the Arch Eparchy. His Grace was the president of the CBCI(Catholic Bishops Conference of India), President of the KCBC (Kerala Catholic Bishops Council), Chairman of Various Commissions within the CBCI and KCBC. In which ever capacity Mar Joseph Powathil had a role to play, it was accomplished with integrity, devotion to duty, spiritual welfare of all concerned, and a sense of discipline.

On the inter religious dialogue as well as for the promotion of Ecumenical Communion, consistent with the spirit of the decree on Ecumenism at the Second Vatican Council , His Grace took active interest, which was a clear sign of solidarity and unity among all sections of the Episcopal Churches. This was possible since Mar Joseph Powathil occupied the office of the President of the CBCI as well as the KCBC. To bring all the ecclesiastical dignitaries on a common platform and the expression of their mutual goodwill and understanding was the hallmark of a Metropolitan with a vision.

It was in the higher education that Mar Joseph Powathil contributed a lot for the welfare of the religious minority institutions, and their managements, by leading from the front. Mar Joseph Powathil always believed that the protection of minority rights embedded in the Constitution of India which was the hallmark of a noble ideal, and a legacy of great patriots whose commitment to the people of India is unique and unparalleled. The preamble to the Constitution of India therefore is a living document cherished by generation to generation. Equally important is right guaranteed under Articles 25 and 26 of the Constitution of India. Sardar Vallabhai Patel, First Home Minister of India in a speech delivered in the Constituent Assembly proudly proclaimed that India is equally committed, if not more than the British, to protect the interest of the religious minorities. Therefore the protection afforded to the religious minorities is a right guaranteed by the Constitution of India and not merely a gratis conferred by the Government. Mar Joseph Powathil relentlessly fought against the tyranny of the successive Governments against attempts to deprive and dilute the rights guaranteed by the Constitution of India in the form of legislation and/or executive orders. The leadership rendered by Mar Joseph Powathil as the Chairman of the Commission for education is commendable. This leadership quality and capacity have been widely acclaimed by all sections of the society.

Mar Joseph Powathil is a voracious reader, a thinker, and a humanist, who took pride in the pedigree of his parent Church, namely the Syro Malabar Church. This church is more than five million strong in population. There are around 50 Eparchies around the world. The Church is rich in heritage and tradition. However an unsavoury dispute in relation to the celebration of liturgy in the Church impeded the growth of the Church at least to some extent. Mar Joseph Parecattil, a great visionary and a proud son of the Syro Malabar Church always emphasized the need for a restoration , renewal and adaptation of the liturgy in the Church. According to the late Cardinal, liturgy must reflect the will of the faithful. According to me, the lay faithful of the Syro Malabar Church should assimilate the spirit and tradition of the rich heritage of the Church. The lay faithful must necessarily express their opinion with regard to the restoration of the liturgical practices of the Syro Malabar Church. Uniformity in the celebration of the liturgy in the Syro Malabar Church is certainly welcome and majority of the population desire uniformity in the celebration of liturgy.

Mar Joseph Powathil and Mar Joseph Parecattil respected each other individually and conceptually. Mar Joseph Powathil was younger than Mar Joseph Parecattil in age as well as in status since Mar Joseph Parecattil was elevated as a Cardinal and participated in two conclaves that of Pope John Paul I, and St. John Paul II. However according to me, the intellectual output and the perception from the point of view of a pastor, and their orientation under two different prelates, the local environment, made some difference in their points of View. Mar Joseph Parecattil became auxiliary Bishop to Mar Augustine Kandathil at a relatively young age, and became Arch Bishop very soon. What I like to emphasis here is that restoration of an oriental tradition has to undergo a harmonious synthesis with those rituals, customs, and devotions, which had been followed with piety by our ancestors. I feel they should be preserved in its pristine nature. On this aspect of the matter, I respectfully choose a different path. The Synod of Bishops must rise to the occasion and justify the trust of the lay faithful reposed in them, and attempt to build an awareness in them through necessary media and instruction, the earlier the better.

My suggestion to the young Priests of the Syro Malabar Church who have been recently ordained is that they should keep an open mind in regard to the restoration of the liturgical tradition of the Syro Malabar Church by observing discipline, displaying a sense of responsibility, and fighting zealously for the unity, solidarity and well being of the members of community without sacrificing spirituality, honesty and spirit of obedience to the superiors. In the Gospel according St. John, Chapter 10 verse 15 “ Just as the Father knows me and I know the Father. And I lay down my life for the sheep”. This is the exhortation of Lord Jesus Christ who personified as the Lamb of God, who took away the sins of the world, as testified by St. John the Baptist. The mission of a priest is very important particularly in this modern age. The one year period of Corona Virus made us feel insecure in our spiritual journey, but made us more secure and complacent in the material world. The first and foremost task of the clergy is to regain the confidence of the faithful, and the faithful to to impart respect and brotherhood towards their pastors. Mar Joseph Powathil in my view is a noble and ideal pastor. There can be difference of opinion on concept/idea/theory/doctrine. Voltaire, a great French Philosopher once remarked “appreciation is a wonderful thing, It makes what is excellent in others belong to us as well”. There has to be a healthy debate in regard to the restoration of East Syrian practices in the Syro Malabar Church. Nobody seem to be serious about such debate because they are not confident about a positive outcome from those debates. In my view, such thought process must continue to generate interest in our mind and elders must inspire confidence in the younger generation, and keep the debate alive.

As a nonagenarian pastor, Mar Joseph Powathil is still active in public and ecclesiastical life, though retired from office, is not tired of the work which commenced from the day of ordination as a Priest. May the legacy of Mar Joseph continue to inspire and guide the future generation. I wish Mar Joseph Powathil a hearty feast and Lord’s blessings.

Ad multos annos.


by Adv. Roy Chacko

Former President - World Lawyers Mission

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