This author, lawyer, has often pondered and doubted over the Roman citizenship of St.Paul, the Great Apostle. The saint has referred to his Roman citizenship on various occasions. The Jewish Zealots plotted to kill him in Jerusalem, where he described his experiences of repentance. When, the Roman tribute sentenced him to be flagged, he revealed his Roman citizenship. He was produced before the Roman Governor. Felix and the Jews accused him of the severe offences, in spite of which, he was imprisoned for two years, pending sentence (Acts 22:25-30). When the apostle was produced before the succeeding Roman Governor, Festhus the Apostle informed that his appeal against imprisonment was pending before the Caeser, whereupon, he was dispatched in captivity to Rome.
How did St.Paul (Saul) born in Tarsus in (Cilica) obtain Roman citizenship? A subject that, deserves greater attention of historians, especially canon law scholars. Roman citizenship was never easily accessible. In the beginning Romans of high born, the noble born, the Patricians only were entitled to it. It was only after long years of struggle and bloodshed that the Plebeians, the Commoner, got this right. The Martyrdom of the Tribunes Gracchi brothers, is a reference. The people outside of Rome, the axillaries’ and colonies got the rights only after years of struggle.
The Romans looked down upon the Jews with contempt and were viewed as inferior. Despite this St.Paul claims to be a Roman Citizen by birth doubtful? Even the Tribune who imprisoned St.Paul was wary and scared of his (St.Paul’s) Roman citizenship. The Tribune claims to have acquired the Citizenship, at great cost. The Tribune is not puny Rank as far as the Roman Army is concerned.
This author, now, has no doubt as to the Roman Citizenship of St.Paul, substantiated by the Tribune by suspending the punishment of flogging and producing him before the Governor, and in tune the Governor dispatching St.Paul to Rome to Ceaser and the discreet admission by Governor Festthus to King Agrippa that if not for the appeal, St.Paul could have been set at Liberty. (Acts 2:31-32)
St.Paul’s travel to Rome:- Apostles St.Paul and Peter were, martyred at Circa AD 64-66 during the Purge of Nero. It is a significant part of Christian History crucification was reserved for lower castes and slaves (For eg. Crucifixion of Spartacus). The Christian Historian Joseph Richiothy (Giuseppe Richiotti) has described this in his book “Paul the Great Apostle (Page 801-803) St. Peter was crucified during the Neru’s Purge. But St.Paul was beheaded – beheading was an Hon’ble eath fro a Roman Citizen.
I tried to study about the Roman Citizenship of St.Paul’s father. There is scant material available in history books. As far as known, St.Paul’s father was an influential trader and it is fabled that he shipped wheat and other food stuffs to Rome during a time of shortage/famine and that is rumoured to be the reason behind his father’s Roman Citizenship. Something to be gone into in detail.
Adv. Johnson Manayani
High Court of Kerala